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The SharpShooter

New Super Hero #1 Bestseller 
In Stores Now!
The story

The SharpShooter is a new Super Hero, to say better the first italian superhero ever. Created by the actor and writer Daniele Antonio Battaglia, The Sharp Shooter was born as a character for a e-fed, a virtual wrestling federation on internet. The character of SharpShooter The Professional Killer got a good success followed by many fans around the world so in the mind of his creator begun to grow an idea to develop Shooter to something more important. Then Shooter turned into a super hero, bringing with him a good part of his wrestling background story. The SharpShooter now is a guy who protects the world from the hell, killing all villians and demons around the world. His dark soul gave him the way to have no mercy when he needs to shoot somebody, but at the same time he is able to undestand because the world must be protected. Lots of enemies came out to bring the hell over the planet, but The SharpShooter, togheter with some allies, like the Fire Witch, is ready to kill them all!!!! Follow his advtures on the books and here on his Official Web site!!!

Books of Legacy

The SharpShooter

The SharpShooter e il Dente della Morte

The SharpShooter contro i demoni dell'Olimpo

The SharpShooter tra le fauci della bestia

The SharpShooter

La Prima Trilogia &

The Fire Witch La Nascita della Strega

spin Off

The Fire Wtich

La nascita della Strega

The Fire Wtich

When the Sorcereress was bon

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