The SharpShooter - (Italian Version)
Born from the perversion of the world, risen from the darkest darkness, betrayed by the people he loved, forged by the desperation of the soul. All this contributed to the creation of the first Italian super hero. The man wanted by Heaven to destroy evil and fight injustice is now among us. Dressed in black, he hides in the shadows to annihilate the demons of this corrupt life. For the criminals he is terror personified, for the authorities a terrorist to kill, for the people a hero... he is The SharpShooter the Professional Killer... and he has come to destroy hell!
The SharpShooter e il Dente della Morte
(Italian Version)
The adventures of the Sniper continue, known throughout the world as The SharpShooter. In this second book, the strongest and most merciless dark hero in history continues his battle against hell on earth and its adepts, facing the increasingly looming threat of the macabre relic of dark forces known as "The Tooth of death". Alongside the Professional Killer, there will always be the disturbing Fire Witch, together with the other allies already known in the first book to fight against the Evil Shadows led by Eclipse ... but in addition to the danger already described, other new attacks will test the world that has SharpShooter its only defense.
The SharpShooter contro i demoni dell'Olimpo - (Italian Version)
Here comes the third chapter of the saga of "TheSharpShooter", where the famous Professional Killer will have to face the danger posed by the infamous demons of Olympus. Finding himself in an increasingly dark and demoralized mood, the Champion of Heaven will find new allies in the fight against hell.
The Fire Wtich
La nascita della Strega - (Italian Version)
Tratto dalla saga dei racconti di “The SharpShooter”, in questo libro si focalizza l'attenzione, su uno dei personaggi più amati delle storie che vedono come protagonista il Professional Killer, ovvero Kira The Fire Witch, la splendida e sensuale Strega di Fuoco che affianca SharpShooter in molte battaglie contro il male e le forze infernali. Puntando il dito sulle origini del personaggio femminile che trova i suoi natali in Russia, si raccontano in modo dettagliato le vicissitudini della giovane Kira Barakova e di come le avversità della vita, abbiano contribuito a far nascere la potente Strega di Fuoco.
The Fire Witch
When the Sorceress was born
(English Version)
Taken from the saga of The SharpShooter's novels, in the english version of this book the attention is focused on one of the most beloved personages of the stories that see the Professional Killer as main character. It is Kira The Fire Witch, the beautiful and sensual sorcerress who joins SharpShooter in many battles against evil and infernal forces. Pointing the finger at the origins of the female character who was born in Russia, we tell, in detail, the vicissitudes of the young Kira Barakova and how the adversities of life have taken part to give birth to the powerful Witch of Fire.
The SharpShooter e il dente della morte
The adventures of the Sniper continue , known throughout the world as The SharpShooter. In this second book, the strongest and most merciless dark hero in history continues his battle against hell on earth and its adepts, facing the increasingly looming threat of the macabre relic of dark forces known as "The Tooth. of death". Alongside the Professional Killer, there will always be the disturbing Fire Witch , together with the other allies already known in the first book to fight against the Evil Shadows led by Eclipse ... but in addition to the danger already described, other new attacks will test the world that has SharpShooter its only defense.
The Fire Witch
When the Sorceress was born
Taken from the saga of The SharpShooter's novels, in the english version of this book the attention is focused on one of the most beloved personages of the stories that see the Professional Killer as main character. It is Kira The Fire Witch, the beautiful and sensual sorcerress who joins SharpShooter in many battles against evil and infernal forces. Pointing the finger at the origins of the female character who was born in Russia, we tell, in detail, the vicissitudes of the young Kira Barakova and how the adversities of life have taken part to give birth to the powerful Witch of Fire .